Rozi Bulk Terminal
Rozi Bulk Terminal has a 100 meter jetty at Rozi Port near Jamnagar, primarily for handling dry bulk cargoes-It has evolved as a modern logistics hub for fertiliser. The backup area has been developed with fixed and mobile infrastructure to handle, store and transport bulk commodities.

Conveyors with feed hopper
463 meters
Semi-automatic bagging plants with 8 lines
Neem Oil Coating Plants (300 TPH & 500 TPH)
Self propelled barge
Excavator – 350
Excavator – 300
Excavator ZX-370 with long arm bucket
380 KVA Diesel generator set

- Jetty - 1200 sq m
- Quay Length - 100 m
- Green Belt - 144 sq m
- Back reach - 15930 sq m
- Total back-up area - 15930 sq m
- Gate Complex - 2 lane / 9 sq m
- Administration Building - 251.64 sq m
- Workshop - 28.7915 sq m
- Bulk warehouse - 3825 sq m
- Conveyor Length - 464 m
- Bulk storage capacity - 30000 Ton
- Bagging plant Lines - 8 Lines
- Bagging plant Capacity - 3700 Tons/day
Contact Us
Rozi International Cargo Terminal
(A part of J M Baxi Ports & Logistics Ltd)
2nd Floor, Jalpari, Pratap Palace Road, Jamnagar 361 008, Gujarat, India.
(A part of J M Baxi Ports & Logistics Ltd)
2nd Floor, Jalpari, Pratap Palace Road, Jamnagar 361 008, Gujarat, India.
TEL +91 288 2552 024
E-MAIL [email protected]